Monday, July 25, 2016


After many years hiatus and because of popular demand, St. Mark's Episcopal Church at 33 Fairground Road in Springfield will again host its famous Chicken Barbecue.  It will be held mid-day (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) on Saturday, August 13th.  Should "Mother Nature" be uncooperative a rain date of August 20th has been reserved.   

The "Grillmaster Genius" at the pit will be none other than Chef Terry Gulick who only recognizes perfection.  The menu not only includes BBQ chicken and fresh corn on the cob but salads, drinks, and desserts as well.  All available for one low price of $10.00.  You may have your personal seating preference, inside or out.  Strolling troubadour du jour, "Just Robert" will be providing mood music for the feast.  There is ample parking and the church and grounds are all accessible.  

As in those times past we suggest you mark your calendars now.  Also, as the event nears, a warning goes out for viligance on the part of those local farmers with chickens and corn fields.  Come and enjoy a fun time, good company, and a great meal.  Don't forget to check out the "Dump Daze" Flea Market at the same time.  

Monday, July 18, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

July, 2016 Newsletter

St. Mark's News - July, 2016
Vic Horvath, editor

Summertime, and the living is easy…….Ah, those words from Porgy and Bess sum up this season so well!   This is a quick newsletter, coming first and foremost to bring blessings to your vacations, family gatherings, travels, visits, picnics, days at the beach, mornings on the golf course, evenings viewing fireworks, camping trips, fishing trips……   Wherever you go,  even if it is just out on the porch, may you be blessed with a renewed sense of God’s goodness in your life and the lives of those around you! 

Now, some important announcements:

Vic Horvath, our Assisting Priest, will celebrate and preach while she is away (but see below re July 17) and be available for pastoral care.  To reach Vic or Carla Kangas, our Senior Warden, please call the parish office at 802 885 2723.  

Due to a long standing prior commitment Vic can’t be with us for the 9:30 service this day. If you can’t make the 7:30 you may want to explore what it is like to worship at one of our neighboring Episcopal parishes, or another church in town. 

CAMEO BAROQUE CONCERT – Sunday, July 24 at 4 PM
This is the first in a series of concerts, bringing a variety of music to Springfield at no cost other than a free will offering.  All offerings at this concert go to support the Springfield Family Center.  Future concerts will bring some toe-tappin’ music as well as more classical forms. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  The Family Center needs volunteers to help with their daily lunch program for children in the area.  Volunteers would drive to Chester to pick up sandwiches, and then bring them back to Springfield.  It is not a big time commitment, (8:30 – 9:45+/-) but certainly helps school kids get a healthy lunch.  If you can help, please call the Family Center directly at 802 885 3646 ext. 209.   (and let them know you come from St. Mark’s!)


Welcome to St. Mark's!   We are a small congregation of the Epsicopal Church in Vermont, with members who have worshipped here for generations and those who just arrived on our doorstep.  We are a mix of old and young, traditional and contemporary, pious and rowdy, married and single, straight and gay --  a real cross section of Vermont.  Whoever you are, you are most welcome!

We celebrate Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 7:30 AM, using Rite I, with its more traditional language, and at 9:30, using Rite II, which uses more contemporary language.  Three Sundays a month the 9:30 service includes music, usually hymns accompanied by the organ.  On the first Sunday of the month during the summer months the 9:30 service is in a more informal setting with group discusison in place of a sermon.

We are currently blessed to have two priests working part-time:  The Rev. Betty Berlenbach, and The Rev. Victor Horvath.

Join us when you can!